Regretfully, due to higher fuel costs and overhead, starting экскурсии в необычные дома Москвы May 2nd 2005, The Catfish Boat will have a new rate schedule. ALL TRIPS ALREADY BOOKED Prior to May 1st 2005, will be HONORED at the previous rates

NEW RATES:  approximately 4 hours, 1/2 day trips.
$125.00 for the first two people, 2 person minimum  @ $62.50 each
$25.00 for each additional person
Day fishing, evening  and night fishing rates are the same !!!!!!!!with the exception of the jugline trips
The children, ages 6 to 12 are still FREE. Each child must have an ADULT to accompany them.

** Wheelchair accessible fishing, The Catfish Boat on Lake Conroe, Texas **

Handi-capable Fishing:  Many Anglers,  young and old, are restricted to bank fishing because of a wheelchair. The Catfish Boat and the docks at the marina are wheelchair accessible. The Catfish Boat Fishing Guide Service is Handicap Friendly and will see that you feel safe and have an  enjoyable fishing trip. There is no extra rate or fee, the same rates as above apply.

The Catfish Boat Catfish Guide Service is now offering, Catfish Jugging only trips. We use Flagging Catfish Juglines. This will be a hands on trip, with a 2 person limit, You haven't jug fished until you catch  catfish with   Flagging Catfish Jugs. This will be an all day or all night trip, depending on catch limits.
Rate: $180.00 per trip. 1 person... $180.00,,,,, 2 persons $90.00 each.
All the catfish jugs and bait will be furnished.

PFDs / also know as life jackets are provided for all guests, and are required to be worn by all children.

Please Read this Before Booking a Trip
No Alcoholic Beverages are permitted on The Catfish Boat
All Catfish over 10 pounds will be released after C.P.R.
Catch. Photograph and Release

The Rod-n-Reel trips will last approximately 4 hours, depending on your catch limits and the weather. You can go fishing with us FishTravel - cedar key fishing charters prices, mornings, evenings, weekends and on most holidays. Night fishing trips can also be scheduled.

No refund will be given if you  choose to " go in early". If the trip is canceled due to weather, your trip can be rescheduled.

Don't go out and spend a bunch of money on fishing equipment. We have plenty of rod and reels for you to use. All you gotta do is catch'em,  I'll even take'em off the hook, clean'em and bag'em. But don't foget your FISHING LICENSE!!!!

If you want to bring your own fishing poles it is ok.  And this time of the year consider wearing long pants and bring a jacket at night, just in case. It gets kinda chilly out on the lake at times.

BAIT:  We provide the bait, Magic Bait's Premo Original Super Sticky Catfish Dip Bait and ,,, CHICKEN LIVER.  We also provide the catfish chum. If you have your own special bait that you want to use, don't be bashful, bring it!!!!!!!!     

The Best Western Hotel in Willis, Texas is just minutes away from Lake Conroe. If you are planning an overnight stay along with your fishing trip, Tell them The Catfish Boat sent you.
12323 Interstate 45 North  Exit 94   Ph # 936-856- 1906

Getting off work early today, your weekend with the kids, or just want to add something extra to your camping weekend, Call or email me,,,,TheCatfishBoat,Lake Conroe Catfish Guide,

Hey, we all have been fishing at times and not caught anything, But it was fun just as well. If you don't catch anything,  you don't pay anything.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Catfish Boat, Licensed Catfishing Guide Service on Lake Conroe. Got more questions? Just call me ,,,,Randy 936-672-2936

Lake Conroe,Texas Catfishing Guide Trip Information and Rates, The Best Rates on The Lake, Lets go fishing !!!!!!!!!!!

The Catfish Boat