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Hello, my name is Randy Frisina, My first trip to Lake Conroe was in the 1970's. When I was a kid my parents took us to a field on  

FM 830, and pointed to some survey stakes in the ground. My Folks said they bought a lake lot, on Lake Conroe, I didnt see any water back then. In time, the lake was finished and water was everywhere. It wasn't long and houses started popping up all around the lake. I remeber the days when the only way to get the boat out, into the lake, was to follow a narrow hydrilla path through the cove where the ponce inlet fishing charters is now. Back then you could go out, tie a Coleman lantern to a tree stump and catch crappie all night long. I have seen alot of changes and growth around the lake over the years. I came up with, The Catfish Boat, to make access to the lake more enjoyable and affordable, for those who have limited access. I hope you enjoy Lake Conroe and catfishing as much as I have all these years. Give me a call or e-mail me, and we can plan your next fishing trip. Lake Conroe Catfishing Guide, Randy Frisina... @ 936-520-2835 or E- Mail:

Fishing Trip Information

Location: Most of our trips start at the Anchorage Marina located at 11880Anchorage Marina Dr. on FM830  Willis Texas, as well as several area campgrounds

Rates: $25.00 per person with a two(adult) person minimum per trip, for a  half day trip, Approx. 4 Hours
Children ages 6 to 12 are free, However each child must be accompanied with an adult.

Equipment provided: Life Jackets for all Guests. These will be worn by all children no exceptions.
Tackle, Rod-n-reels, bait.

Fish Cleaning:  Your fish will be cleaned and bagged at no charge.

What you need for the trip: Fishing License, (Fishing Licenses are avilable at the Marina Store) Wear appropiate clothing as the weather dictates.and bring your favorite snack and beverages.

The Catfish Boat's Web Site located at

Affordable Family Fishing Adventures

night fishing trip

"Look Dad"

The Catfish Boat

Lake Conroe, Texas

Jugging Fishing  Trip